Advanced Intermediate All Skills & Grammar
In the Advanced Intermediate level, students will deepen their knowledge and enhance their English skills and fluency.
The All Skills class integrates oral skills and grammar practice. Students build vocabulary, learn relevant grammar structures, and practice speaking and listening, all based on a unifying context or theme. In the grammar component, students study the form, meaning, and use of a particular grammar structure and then produce the structure in communicative practice. The grammar structures studied become more advanced and complex as students move to a higher level.
In this class, students will:
- Review and expand understanding and use of simple present and present continuous
- Express future plans with simple present
- Understand and correctly use present progressive for complaining
- Review and expand understanding and use of simple past, past continuous, and past perfect
- Understand and be able to correctly use present perfect versus simple past
- Tell a story using a variety of past tenses correctly
- Listen about, speak about, and develop vocabulary for the following themes: business and mysteries
- Understand issues of politeness in conversation and be able to communicate them