Rafael, a physician and head of the department of Intensive Care Medicine at University Private Hospital in Cordoba, Argentina, is a very passionate professional who seeks to enhance his language skills for his work. He has been participating in the online Professional English Class after work.
“Currently my daughter lives in Ann Arbor and studies at the Michigan Language Center. She recommended this school to me,” Rafael said. “Since the class has a nice price and the instructors and students are very engaged, I really liked joining this class.”
He is an experienced professional in his field, and he already had some specific goals to accomplish in the Professional English Class. “I was interested in speaking with more clarity and confidence, enhancing my presentation skill, and correcting my pronunciation so that many non-native speakers can understand my presentations with no difficulty.” As a doctor and manager, he has opportunities to talk and present in front of people from other countries. He said the Professional English Class works very well for him because the class has students from various countries. “It is a very important opportunity for me to learn from other students. I can learn vocabulary by listening to my classmates’ presentations.”
Rafael also shares that the class is a very beautiful community and the instructor is fantastic. “Alexandra, the instructor of the Professional English Class, is outstanding and she answers all of my questions! It is wonderful to get feedback from her and my classmates.”
Rafael is not just a passionate professional, but also a very friendly and outgoing individual. He joined the Michigan Stadium Tour with MLC students this summer while he stayed in Ann Arbor, and enjoyed learning about the Michigan college sports. He is planning to come to Ann Arbor again in winter and hopes to join the MLC class in-person. Thank you for being a beautiful MLC family member, Rafael!
More information on the Professional English Class can be found here.